The ECLUSE steam network will be built by the Dutch company AHP. This is a joint venture between the companies Petrogas and A.Hak. Both companies are renowned names in infrastructural projects all across the globe.
Petrogas is an internationally operating engineering contractor and system integrator for industrial facilities. Petrogas is highly specialized in the design and delivery of gas installations for energy corporations delivering and large industrial corporations.
A.Hak is an international family company with over 50 years of experience in the design, construction and maintenance of infrastructure for the transport and distribution of oil, gas, water and electricity. A.Hak also has specific expertise about sustainable energy solutions which is deployed during this project.

ECLUSE is the proud winner of the Belgian Energy- and Environment awards in the category ‘Sustainable Energy’.
On June 8th 2017 the prestigious prize was awarded to ECLUSE because of its efforts to help build a sustainable future. “It strengthens our belief in this important project and we are, more than ever, convinced that with this partnership, we made the right choice for future generations.”
The heating network transports steam generated during incineration through an insulated steam pipe to those using the heat. The transport is done efficiently and without appreciable loss using superheated steam at high pressure (40 bar) and high temperature (400 °C). The hot water passes through condensate piping back to Indaver/SLECO where it is used once again as feedwater in the steam boiler. The pipelines will be around 5 kilometres long and will be laid partly underground, partly above ground. ECLUSE applies a solidarity principle for its heat extractors.
When the steam netwok of ECLUSE runs full throttle it will be one of the largest industrial heating networks in Europe. The project is able to supply 10% of all the green heat that is produced in the province of Flanders.

Important environmental benefits will be realised thanks to the ECLUSE network. The main issue is reduced CO2 emissions.
By connecting to the heating network, the participating companies will be able to replace their gas-fired boilers entirely or in part. Because one plant will provide steam instead of each individual company operating its own boiler, power efficiency increases in general. What’s more, the companies are guaranteed a cost-effective energy supply in the long term.
6 waste incinerators will generate steam with a maximum heat production capacity output comparable to 250 MW of power. The project realizes CO2 savings similar to the 100 standard 2.3 MW wind turbines.

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Steam Heating Networks