
Reliable buffering for gas conditioning systems.

Reliable buffering for gas conditioning systems.

The buffer system consists of a high pressure compressor, a buffer volume and an outlet system (usually a heater and pressure reducing system). The goal is to store enough gas to keep the gas turbine running if the gas supply is interrupted. The buffer must provide gas for long enough to allow the turbine control system to perform actions like switching over to backup fuel (usually diesel), start pumps and adjust burner settings. The buffer volume is optimally sized for each project, since each combination of gas pressure, consumption and composition requires a different volume.

The compressor feeds gas into the buffer volume at a high pressure (80-100 barg). If the inlet pressure drops and the online pressure reducing system fails to supply enough pressure, the buffer reducing valves automatically supply the gas and signalling the main control system the fuel switchover is to be initiated.

  • Ideal type and make of compressor are specified for each project (Petrogas works brand independant)
  • Oil-free compressors prevent fuel contamination
  • There are multiple cooling options
  • The buffer volume is not only sized per project, available plot size is also factored in. Vertical gas vessels or stacked piping is an option to save space


Operation is automatic, with self-operating filling, refreshing and depletion controls. Adding a buffer to the fuel gas supply system allows for easier switch-over to secondary fuels.


We can package bare compressors on skid or in a container. Compressors can be installed in full enclosure or under a shelter.

Smart buffer design allows materials to expand during temperature changes. The buffer is sloped to prevent liquid condensate build-up, and the buffer volume refreshes to prevent excessive Wobbe variations. Adding a buffer to the fuel gas systems reduces downtime for turbine operators and allows for continuous production during switch-over.


We calculate the optimum project-specific buffer volumes, and the optimum volume vs steel-weight ratio, the optimized design reduces the CAPEX cost and ensures all requirements are met. Interlocks in the design prevent unintentional start-ups.

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